Make payments to a large group of contacts
Lipa Express allows you and your business mantain a virtual wallet for receiving payments, paying utilities and disbursing out payments.
Making payments to different group of people in real time with a click of a button. It's whole purpose is to promote fast, secure, transparent and accountable payment process.
1. Fast and secure mode of payment- With a click of the button, pay your utilities, disburse out payments or accept payments from others.
2. Validation of payments - Before the money is released, details of the individuals can be validated to help reduce mistakes or sending money to the wrong person.
3. Track incoming and outgoing payments - Easily track your receipts and get weekly and monthly summaries.
Learn how it worksLipa Express allows you and your business to payout utilities and make payments to different group of people in real time with a click of a button. Its whole purpose is to promote fast, secure, transparent and accountable payment process.
S Setup your utilities and start making payments. Categorize your beneficiaries and disburse payments.
I Initiator uploads the payment details, once it gets approval it is disbursed directly to the intended persons.
T The platform allows one to track the payments done.
M Measure your expenditure against the set target.
With a click of the button, money is disbursed to intended entities.
Before the money is released, details of the individuals can be validated to help reduce mistakes or sending money to the wrong person.
Payments can easily be tracked. This helps you measure your expenditure and keep your business on track.
It is relatively easy to use for both the person disbursing the money and the person receiving it. This is because it has replaced a process that required a couple of more steps than when they didn't have the platform.
Before any payments are disbursed, they will be approved by a separate user (checker/approver).Accountability is promoted through this
Lipa express gives you a whole new way to manage your contacts in relations to making payments. You are able to sort and organize your contacts for easy disburment of payments.
Make payments to a large group of contacts
Disburse loans and collect repayments easily using the application
Make donor payments to a large group of people
Pay all your fixed and variable costs in time.
Create a Bulk Payment Account
Get an account, setup your pay groups, beneficiaries and disburse payments.
Categorize your beneficiaries.
Create pay groups and assign beneficiaries to different groups.
Setup approval levels and disburse payments to different pay-groups or individuals.
Reporting & Analysis.
Track beneficiary funding and view summaries by paygroups.
Set up items that you are selling on your store.
Set your own prices of the products uploaded.
Have your own personalized page to make your visitors view the items up for sale.
Collect payments on your side of the store. Track and manage your payments through the application
Create the different types of loan products that you offer
Add contacts to the clients who you will send loans to by the click of a button.
When your customers make payments to loans you are notified.
Generate weekly, monthly, and yearly report on your loans.
Create events having details such as date, month, type, location and time.
Invite people to your event. Send them SMS invites for the eveht.
The invitees pay via the lipaexpress app for the event.
Conduct the event with the help of the application as you have a list of attendees.
Accept all kinds of customer payments. Start accepting payments from your customers through Lipa Na M-Pesa or Visa.
A ANS: Any business or organization that makes payments whether to their suppliers, customers or employees are eligible for this service.
A ANS: Kindly reach out to us through the email or the contacts provided below and our team will guide you accordingly.
A ANS: Yes it is possible. Kindly get in touch with us for further guidance.
+254 757 560 600
Nairobi Garage, Pinetree Plaza on Ngong Road